Project Management

Are you a brand that predominantly sells offline? Don’t Snooze now.

  • Sriram P H
  • May 21, 2021
Are you a brand that predominantly sells offline? Don’t Snooze now.
If you’re a retail store don’t Snooze your Brand Marketing now. Your customers are still discovering products that they may buy later. 

I spoke to a friend of mine who was completing the interior decor for her newly bought house. She tells me while the Corona virus outbreak has stalled her purchase plans, she has more time now to better plan her decor. She is using online resources to improve the decor plans as she has more time now. So predominantly sells offline can boost up the interest among potential clients by keeping them engaged.

predominantly sells offline
predominantly sells offline

Now if you are a brand that sells only offline or a physical retail store – most of your customers are discovering products online more than ever before. We recommend you focus on being visible to them, take more time now to understand their requirements & use your field force in consulting your customers online. This will ensure your products feature in your target customer’s Wishlist. This will help you bounce back faster once normalcy restores. 

Here are a few things that you could do on priority, 

  • Create an online discovery platform for your customers, if you already do not have one. If you have one, augment them to match an In-Store discovery experience. 
  • Talk to all your existing customers who have purchased your products & prospects who had shown intend to purchase your product. They are important stakeholders of your business.
  • Your next store walk-in is now online. While you plan for contingencies during this slow down, if you can afford, apportion possible budgets to be discoverable by your target customers online. Be prudent here!
  • Train your offline employees on online collaboration. Train them to help customers discover products online, to demonstrate your product remotely and effectively capture customer preference data.
  • Finally the most important aspect – Be Empathetic. One of the key aspects as businesses is to be conscious of the current scenario while creating a renewed strategy. Do not overdo it. Any stakeholder of yours – Employee, Customer or Prospect might be directly or indirectly affected due to this pandemic. While we strive to survive our business, always be conscious that people come first. 

  We at Dave.AI have been helping enterprises in building personalized product discovery experiences across channels. If you’d like to have a discussion on leveraging some of our capabilities in this space, we’d be happy to help. Alternately, if you are a business who has effectively done this we would like to learn. Please provide your contact details here and someone from our team will reach out to you. 
This too shall pass. Take Care!