Project Management

The Dominion of Artificial Intelligence led Startups in India Today

  • Jui Bagul
  • September 23, 2021
The Dominion of Artificial Intelligence led Startups in India Today

Artificial intelligence falls under the category of being an umbrella term. With its usage increasing day by day, new definitions are coming into existence discarding the limitations posed on not just the terminology but even the actual usage of it.

The origin of artificial intelligence

The common misconception people have today is that artificial intelligence is a term that has emerged recently. There is no truth to it, the roots of artificial intelligence go back to the 18th century. The first impending sign towards the possibility of AI was seen when Wolfgang von Kemplen got a machine to play chess. The machine had human-like capabilities and was able to serve as an opponent. With the ability to play chess, this machine was later found to be a human sitting inside the machine. This person was operating various devices from inside, giving rise to the vision of artificial intelligence. With technological advancements seen on a rise today, the concept of artificial intelligence got a helping hand to progress and make its mark on everyone’s lives. The origin of artificial intelligence has led to an impact on society that is hard to shake off and is here to stay.

Artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Rise of artificial intelligence

With the generation of systems that mirror human beings, artificial intelligence today has acquired a feat for itself. Artificial intelligence has completely transformed the world by changing the face of many businesses in various sectors. AI has taken the world from science fiction to reality real quick and is supposed to be the quintessential future of technological dominance. Technology has provided the ability to compute data today which has given rise to inventions in the field of artificial intelligence. When the idea of artificial intelligence first came to the forefront, it was because a dire change was needed in the world for people to survive.

“The reason associated with the evolution of artificial intelligence today is ‘capitalism’. AI has made the old jobs obsolete to create a roadmap for new jobs to emerge. These new jobs lead to an improved version of the working methodologies of people”.

– AnanthaKrishnan Gopal – CTO , DaveAI

People have adapted to the newly generated facilities that point towards a good quality of life and now there is no turning back. With the need to experience ‘better’ on all fronts, artificial intelligence is bound to soar in the upcoming years.

Use of AI
Use of AI

Growth of AI
Growth of AI

AI-powered New-gen start-ups in India

The increasing demands of society forced many businesses to upgrade their services and meet these demands to be able to survive. The needs of people are revolving around the abilities possessed by technology. So, it has become necessary to walk the path of growth with artificial intelligence leading the way. This scenario has led to the rise of artificial intelligence start-ups in India that make the difficult possible with ease and guarantee success. Some of the AI-based start-ups in India are:

  • Mad Street Den: This is a Chennai-based start-up that helps people incorporate AI into their day-to-day activities. With the support of AI, many activities become, easy, convenient, and fun. is an important product that serves customers with AI-led services in the field of fashion all over the world.
  • CropIn: This start-up provides AI-led services in the field of agriculture. With the provision of ‘smart approach’ this startup provides agri-solutions to a majority across various geographical regions.
  • Flutura: The product of this Bengaluru-based start-up known as Cerebra provides business solutions with the help of AI.
  • SigTuple:   This Bengaluru-based startup makes use of AI to generate quick solutions in the healthcare sector.
  • This startup provides personalized and real-time solutions to various business problems using all the data available with the help of AI.

These AI start-ups in India are responsible for changing the face of many sectors today and are taking the world closer to its utmost potential. With the importance of this field on the rise, many people are wanting to have a significant stake in the AI domain one way or the other. Hence there are large investments involved.

The growth of machines and the future of humans

AI has applications in various parts of different industries in the world today. With ‘automation’ being the base of this immersive technology there are a lot of domains where the need for humans to perform certain mundane activities is reducing. But humans are required to provide the emotional touch of intelligence, think and implement the next breakthrough, and target how AI needs to perform. The use of Artificial intelligence is dependent on data. Today 2.5 quintillion bytes of data is being generated per day. Accurate data is essential to make real-time predictions with AI. Humans are required to train AI to find a solution for a specific problem.

Applications of AI
Applications of AI

AI: what’s next?

The field of AI is advancing rapidly and yet it has not been able to match the intelligence humans pertain to. AI being a growing term what it can achieve is not definite. There are no limitations to what AI can do in the future and this feature makes AI the most powerful technology available today. The rate at which it is progressing has been defined by a lot of other external factors like the availability of resources, the needs of changing times, and the vision people have for the future. So, predicting the timeline at which a particular functionality can be performed by AI in the future is challenging. Keeping all these factors in mind, AI will evolve with humans and will be present to fulfill the existing demands of the world.